Cheryl Murphy - Psychic Medium
Cheryl Murphy

learn how to become a


mediumship training

Psychic & Intuitive Coaching with Cheryl Murphy


with Psychic Medium Cheryl Murphy

So you have some signs of being a medium like clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and/or claircognizance and you are wondering how you can become a medium and develop your mediumship abilities further with one-on-one spiritual mediumship training.

Gifted psychic and spiritual medium Cheryl Murphy is now opening up her offerings beyond just personal and evidential mediumship readings as many of her clients are aware of their own intuitive gifts, spiritual “connections” and medium abilities.

If you would like to delve deeper into how to train to become a medium with a proven professional and gifted healer, read further.

Psychic Training and mediumship development with Cheryl Murphy


So you are aware that you have mediumship abilities in that you are receiving information from non-physical beings, but you are not sure precisely what they are or where to begin. 

Cheryl Murphy’s MEDIUMSHIP TRAINING starter kit gives you the opportunity to “test the waters”, so to speak, and see what it would be like to go through some mediumship training with a gifted healer, psychic medium, coach, and mentor.  

She will also help you with how to know if you are a medium. 

To begin Cheryl will help you determine which, from the following list of mediumship abilities is strongest for you:

Develop Clairvoyant Skills


Developing your clairvoyant skills and understanding what clairvoyance and the psychic eye is, typically the ability to “see” information and messages with your 3rd eye. May include clairvoyant tuning.

Developing Clairaudience


Clairsentient: the ability to perceive matters beyond the range of ordinary perception, typically the ability to “feel” information and messages

DEveloping Clairsentience


Developing your clairsentient skills and understanding what clairsentience is, typically the ability to “feel” information and messages. May include clairsentient tuning.

Developing Claircognizance


Developing your claircognizant skills and understanding what claircognizance is, typically the ability to “know” information and messages, beyond everyday intuition. May include claircognizant tuning.

See What Celebrity Medium Thomas John Has to Say:

Manhattan Medium Thomas John

“Cheryl, I wanted to let you know that of anyone I have ever mentored psychically, you have gotten the most compliments from my clients by far. I have had about 10 people write me specifically to tell me how much they LOVED their reading with you….on that note…  

Cheryl Murphy is an extremely accurate psychic and gifted medium. I am impressed by her professional demeanor, her ability to get multiple details and validations from Spirit, and her amazing insights about personal issues. She is one of the most professional psychics mediums I have ever met. I highly recommend her.”

Thomas John | Celebrity Medium |Manhattan Medium

Mediumship Training For All Skill Levels

In Cheryl’s “Mediumship Training Starter Kits” you can start wherever you feel most comfortable. 

You will work with Cheryl directly to determine the best steps to take in how to develop your mediumship abilities, and how to become a medium where ever you may be at with your level of skill.

Develop your psychic abilities, intuition, and mediumship skills

Choose a Mediumship Training “Starter Kit” That’s Right for You

Developing Claircognizance

1-1 hour Session

This is a great place to start if you have never worked with Cheryl before. 

It’s a discounted opportunity to “test the waters” and make sure this is a good fit for you.

1-hour session regular price: $325

1st one only $250

Developing Clairaudience

3- 1 hour Sessions

This is a great place to start if you are just tapping in your mediumship abilities and know some attunement and interaction with someone like Cheryl will help you fine-tune those skills.

1-hour session regular price: $325  

3 sessions only $825

SAVE $150

Develop Clairvoyant Skills

5 – 1 hour Sessions

You’ve worked with Cheryl and you’ve taken mediumship training classes before.

You are also serious about developing our mediumship ability and perhaps would like to start giving evidential and spiritual readings!

This is a great place for you while Cheryl can offer this greatly discounted rate. 

1-hour session regular price: $325

5 sessions only $1300  

SAVE $325

“I love helping people develop their own mediumship abilities and intuition and earn how to become a medium. 

It is my greatest knowing that we are all gifted from Spirit in one way or another.

I simply facilitate your ability to tune into and ignite those mediumship abilities innate to you”

Ready to Ignite Your Psychic Abilities?

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